

I use R for most of the data wrangling, analysis and visualization work. My favorite packages are dplyr, purrr, and ggplot2


Currently, I mainly use the scikit-learn package for Machine Learning


I mainly use it for running psychophysical experiments and doing scientific computing


I have substantial experience with common descriptive and inferential staistics used in research, and have a working knowledge of common machine learning algorithms


I am familiar with popular database management systems, such as PostgreSQL and MySQL


I am familiar with Microsoft Office Suite, like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access


I am still learning the Swift language, hope to create my own app in the near future


I have a lot of experience with fMRI and EEG. I mainly used AFNI for fMRI and EEGLAB for EEG analysis. Among different lines of neuroimaging studies, I am mostly interested in brain decoding


Self learning is a skill! I am an avid learner, and I like to grow a bit every day!

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My personal collection of R learning resources, will keep updating resources

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Shiny for exploring data

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Stimulus-driven attention can improve working memory (WM) when drawn to behaviorally relevant information, but the neural mechanisms …
